We were hit by an Ice Storm in the Greater Toronto Area and Georgetown was hit very hard. Here's some pics of what it looked like from inside my house:
We were without power for 4 1/2 days, and actually checked into a hotel on the 24th of December so that we could have warmth and nice Christmas morning. Thank you to my dear friend Peggy for arranging this for us. My hubby fell on the ice on the 23rd and fractured his wrist, so he's had a rough go of it, aside from turning 50 on Christmas Day. This holiday has gone by with a blur and I'm not sure we even feel like we had a Christmas.
On a brighter note; here's my son opening his stocking at the hotel room:
We had no internet/cable service until Sunday December 29th, which was tough too. Sadly we lost all the food in our fridge and freezers...I still feel sick about it as we'd stocked up really well for Christmas and the New Year with lots of food.
We are grateful for Hydro and heat and power and internet so much more now that we've experienced this Ice Storm.
I'm entering these pics into the Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday Challenge, in the hopes that some good will come of the Ice Storm and I may win a prize (LOL)