Sunday, June 30, 2013

Double Rainbow Photo (SMT #124)

This is a photo of a double rainbow (one on top of the other) taken at my son's baseball game on Tuesday June 25th in Glen Williams/Georgetown Ontario CANADA It was taken using my Blackberry !! It's kinda hard to see but it's there...I've never seen a double rainbow before and it gives me chills !! I'm submitting it to the Sassy Cheryl SMT (Show Me Thursday) #124 Challenge !!


  1. WOW! What a gorgeous site. I haven't seen too many of these in my 45 years and I can tell you, they are always gorgeous. . .single or double. LOVE IT!
    Thanks for joining us in the Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday fun!!

    1. Thanks Cheryl...I'm 50 and this is the first I've ever seen !! LOL !! Of course the camera phone doesn't do it justice, but I'm pleased I got the picture anyhow !!

  2. They are a rarity for sure. Good thing you cellphone had a camera. This is really neat.


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Lynn aka Lynnpenguin