
Saturday, September 6, 2014

A colour challenge at Kit and Clowder

It's a new month and time for a new challenge at Kit and Clowder !!  

This month we have a fun colour challenge for you:

We are sponsored by The Greeting Farm,
and I used this wonderful image called
DOLLIE WITH ICECREAM which can be found here.

The prize is a $25 gift certificate to The Greeting Farm !!  Woo hoo...who wouldn't love to win THAT ?? 

Copics used
Alyce's Skin combo (E000, E00, E04, E11, E21, R20)
Dress RV14, W5
Icecream YG11, RV10, R83
Hair E37,E21
Eyes YG11, G21

I hope you'll pop over and play along, it's certainly a fun colour challenge.

Don't forget you can check out all the wonderful classes we have going on there, and if you've been following my blog at all you'll see that my colouring has improved in leaps and bounds since starting the Skin and Hair class.  over at Kit and Clowder.  I can't wait to get into the Clothing class soon (I've signed up and printed the class booklet, and done a little reading)

Here's a peek at my before and after images...
coloured after taking only part of the Skin and Hair Class

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I truly appreciate it.
Sending big cyber hugs to you,
Lynn aka Lynnpenguin